16-bit PCI to PC Card und Interupt Sharing unter Windows 2000

Bei Problemen mit der Installation der PCI Adapter unter Win2000 versuchen Sie es einmal mit folgendem Link:

Link to the Microsoft Knowledge database describing the fix that allows using the 16-bit PCI to PC Card (PCMCIA) Adapter Cards under MS-Windows 2000.

When installing the ORiNOCO PC Card in a desktop computer, using the ORiNOCO PCI Adapter (a PCMCIA to PCI busadapter card) you may encounter difficulty getting your PC Card operational.

This is due to the fact that the MS-Windows 2000 operating system does not (yet) fully support interupt sharing for PCI Adapter boards, such as the Lucent Technologies ORiNOCO PCI Adapter.

As the proposed fix is still under regression testing by Microsoft the update is not yet publicly available. It will be made avaialble in the near future as part of the next Windows 2000 Service Pack.

http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q257/4/58.asp Win2000
